Cyber Devoured
‘Technology’ is both the problem and the cure, which might be the definition of any addiction.’
Most of the time, our mobile show up notification message to elucidate us about the screen time using. As long as I can remember, also have a chance to play around the things call the internet and technology. But if compared to then and now the time I spend with that stuff is completely different. The necessity and excuse to use are upper and upper every single year. Not only the entertainment I use since I was young but also the benefit and necessary tools for running everyday life nowadays.
Every end of the week, my phone generates collecting data on my internet footprint to show me how I use the internet. Moreover, It’s can enumerate to the specific application and category by showing in charts and graphs to compare with other days or even another month.
This set of data can help me to know what I using the internet in the form of physical numbers. The collecting data can help me to know myself better somehow. Some week I spend an average of 9 hours per day and it was very high. So I try to slow down my social network time because it is the highest. Like Regina Kanyu Wang said about the reflection between system and user.
A Cyber-Cuscuta came to release that the way you imagine them is a reflection of how you see yourselves. — Regina Kanyu Wan
This is guiding me to the positive side of the internet generated who giving a mirror to us. But when I looking to the result of it, I can say that is addiction. The number of screen time is upper a bit every year. It starts from my first phone using for communication and a few social media application until I have four communication media which are iPhone, iPad, Macbook, and Airpod. All of this media used for a different purpose and when I calculate all of the screen time is upper to 11 hours. and it means that I spend most of the time until wake up using the internet.
Technology devoured the data that carry your emotion.
When we surrounding something too much, it will become your emotion. Most of the time I scroll down the feed to updates the world, it shows up a lot of noise that impacts my emotion so much. Some day I got feeling blue because of the dramatic and negative visual. The technology call internet also a bit swallow us every day.
This topic connecting to ‘The Veldt’ fiction in the point of children who grow with too much technology and dominated all of the human senses. ‘ He doesn’t want to think, love, share; he wants to interact with the technology that gives him instant gratification, not with other people.’ This shows that technology completely dominates the feeling and emotion of humans when we use it too much.
A generation in which selfishness, cruelty, and a lack of emotion (induced by excessive technology) supplant the love, care, and understanding that are crucial to our shared humanity.
Some day in the future the world will fill full option technology that changes our habits and everyday life forever. If we did not manage and ruminate the technology in a fit way, it will destroy our humanity.