Solution for your wardrobe

3 min readJan 17, 2021

WHERE these problems come from * WHY we have to concern * SOLUTIONS

Social media influence wears once clothes happen. It becomes the question ‘Why we have to concern?’. The answer is fabric waste that becomes a bigger and bigger problem for a decade. Most people focus and punish only the manufacturers without a look back at our habit and the reason behind it.

My solution to share is ‘Timeless outfits’. Timeless fashion, like “classic” fashion, implies design that always remains on-trend. Timelessness applies to iconic, centerpiece items, built to last the test of both time and trend.

Most people didn’t know about their perfect fit timeless clothing themselves. Then I have an idea to create a form to help people know their perfect timeless outfits.

The idea is ‘Your Timeless clothes’ > Clothes planer (Year). I want to create a template or Personal clothes planer for everyone. It’s a similar idea of a bullet journal hat we use to plan the whole year but this one is to help plan the effective clothes shopping plan, this year. How much I have to spend on which pieces/ And to balance our wardrobe?

Having more conscious consuming habits it’s not only good for the planet’s resources and people behind our clothes but also makes your life easy and enriches your style.


Girls who have a lot of clothes but don’t know how to wear and have a lot of wear once clothes in the wardrobe.

In my Clothes planer version include

  • Year trends
  • Colors palate
  • Key pieces
  • Accent pieces
  • My timeless pieces/Basic
  • Favorite accents

Year trends

The very first page is open to the user to collect and put the trend on. To keep updated on the trend right now that the interest. (Just capture and put there)

Colors palate

The second part of the planer is the clothes' color palate. In the form help user put on their favorite clothes colors, trend colors, perfect colors, colors matching, and lucky colors. This part will help the user find their perfect fit colors and matching colors idea when dressing up.

Key pieces

Previously, I talked about key pieces and accent pieces. Like I explained, you often need key pieces because they give you a personal style and can be paired with your basics.

Accent pieces

Accent pieces are pieces that give your look the final touch, pieces that you don’t use too often, or statement pieces that you wear seasonally. Accents pieces draw attention to themselves so it’s good to have a solid set of basics to pair with them.

My timeless pieces/Basic

List your timeless piece that can pair with everything. You can think of a timeless piece first and then match your favorite accent next.

Favorite accents

Sometimes we forgot some clothes in the wardrobe. This part will help remind you and easy to pre-match the look before dressing up.

I want to develop an application that can help people plan and prepare the look before dressing up. Do not have to waste the time to try on all ten.

Thesis Centerpiece

To expand my clothes planer. I have one centerpiece to seek attention to the project which is deconstruction wear once clothes connecting together like a big art piece. To show the detail behind this kind of clothes in the form of a QR quote link to my clothes planer.

